Monday, August 2, 2010

Once I Caught a Fish Alive

3. I'm Spider-Man
My first attempt at a Masterpiece. The idea behind this one was little more than the original joke: taking dodgy looking MS Paint doodles and calling them works of pure genius. To that end, this was drawn very quickly and roughly with a mouse (I look forward to one day buying a drawing tablet). Spider-Man was chosen as the subject matter for little reason other than that I love Spider-Man.

4. Boxes
This is something I used to make for no reason when I was bored. Ironically (or not, I really have no idea), this is probably the least appealing version I ever produced. There's a lot of white on top of white, for example. I probably would have fixed that if I were making this today.

5. Ethan MacManus vs Purple Alien Thing
This one is the only result of one of my early ideas for increasing the number of Masterpieces in a hurry. Basically, I was going to draw all kinds of different characters in this scene with Ethan (of Ctrl+Alt+Del). Fortunately, better ideas came along before this really went anywhere.

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